Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Beard Voice

The Beard Voice: I wonder if sales pitch folks bring their work home with them? What if the oxy-whatsits spokesman gets wrapped up in a debate with his wife and slips into his sales pitch voice? I bet she puts him right back into reality real quick. Everybody leads a real life sometimes.


Contessa said...

Too good. The kids always wonder why he's so excited? Or why does he always need to shout? (no pun intended I'm sure) Then of course you have the "ShamWow" guy.

dugbuddy said...

Well then tell the kids thank you so much for the validation in the cartoon. Tell them he is using his "beard voice".

Lacey said...

Haha! You know, I have also noticed that the sales-people that have come to my house (siding estimates and such) complain about their wives where they're here... as if that's going to help the sale with me hanging around. So, looks like it goes both ways, lol.

We still don't have new siding. ;-)

Wanted to wish you happy holidays, too! Can't wait to finally see you and Lee Ann again. You know what, sometime soon the two of you should come over to the studio with your books and I'll bring my books and maybe we can have a warm treat and we can finally talk art.

dugbuddy said...

Thanks Lacey,
Excited to see you and everybody AND THE STUDIO!! Way cool.

Breadwig said...

Oh man, ha! Perfect. Just perfect.

dugbuddy said...

Thanks Bryan.