Thursday, June 17, 2010

University Parking

This falls into "Life never turns out as funny as I first mistake it to be." Walking downtown, I passed a parking sign that read... Faculty Parking, violators will be towed. But what my dyslexic brain processed was: Faculty Parking, Towers will be Violated. I had to do a long double take. Then, I giggled to myself all the way to the car. (Probably kept me safer than any self defense class.) As visual storyteller, I couldn't pass up a gift like that.


Breadwig said...

ho ho ho. Nice. They put the student parking at our school on the outskirts of the campus by the athletic fields.

dugbuddy said...

Thanks Sir, I am really proud of this one.

Contessa said...

I loved it. Reminds my of my Oh. days and fighting for a spot.

Cool Beans DB

dugbuddy said...

Thanks so very much Barb, I really appreciate it.