Thursday, July 03, 2008

about recently I picked up a 3x5 inch sketch pad. During lunch I will review notes from meetings or doodle in the lunch room. here are some of the results... the doodles, not the notes. Time spent, about 10 minutes or less per.


benjamin trobat -cartoonist- said...

great characters dude!

dugbuddy said...

Thanks heaps, it gets me in a good place emotionally, spiritually... settled. I have seen some results with the life drawing sessions. it helped. Hey, your stuff is really cool. I will need to take some time at your blog regularly.

Breadwig said...

You sketching has so much energy and character. You sir, are an inspiration.

dugbuddy said...

Thanks so much Bryan. I made a promise to myself back in 03 when I got out of the 4th surgery... to put down the idiot box and pick up the pencil more. If I am sitting I pull out a 3x5 and doodle... whenever. It has really, I believe helped me to visually solve problems that would have taken me a lot longer to solve. Probably just the old "practice practice". but it's worked over time. And instead of watching others practice their craft (or crap) on TV, I am practicing mine... whichever adjective you may choose. Nothing magic, just stubborn.