Saturday, May 24, 2008

Drawergeeks: topic... zombies. zombies? In this heat? When I was a kid, the Night of the Living Dead image of the school girl with the dark eye really creeped me out big time. This is my homage to that image. I went back and looked it up... it doesn't have quite the same degree of chill as it did back then, because I can see the make-up now. But as a kid... it was as if she was waiting outside my window or just outside in the woods. No mercy, no stopping. This wasn't some gothic romantic, or punk rock vampire who you could try to reason, bargain with, or try to bluff. It's like trying to bluff a disease. It will keep coming until it can't. It doesn't feel, doesn't care, doesn't know. It just feeds.


BBrito said...

I did a zombie topic on my theme-blog and it was the best topic ever!!!! I don't know why zombies are fun, but I love drawing them! love zombie movies too!

dugbuddy said...

I don't know why they are so fun do draw? I thought I would just tank on this... but I think you are right... everybody will just crank on this one. I need to check yours out.

Breadwig said...

I may not get to a zombie this week. :( You are more than picking up the slack fortunately. Great piece.

dugbuddy said...

thanks. Oh... I was really looking forward to what you would have supplied. I shall do my best. I am working up one last piece for submission tomorrow. hope all is well with your bunch. -db