Sunday, April 27, 2008

Zoo Sketch trip 408- Well, I did it. The first sketch trip to the zoo. It was cool when we started, 46 degrees, but the sun was out and everybody was pumped. The first batch of sketches absolutely stunk. Was intimidated, cold, and not warmed up eye/hand coordination wise. But as the morning progressed, so did I. Here are 4 sheets. The highlight of the excursion was the Australia walk. I got to sit quietly amongst a herd of red kangaroos. Some of which were only 10 feet away from me. I didn't move, and did not make any sounds. They seemed extremely curious that a person was not running around or making lots of sounds. This person just sat there like a lump. Not moving. They had to get a closer look at this. Maybe to see if I was hibernating? It was a wondrous moment for me. They would cock their heads and stare and move closer. I drew a crowd of folks in the distance. "Joey-whisperer".


barb said...

Yes, how wonderous indeed. I'm very jealous of the experience and what wonderful pieces you've created through that. There is serenity, softness and comfort for you and your subjects. WOW!

dugbuddy said...

Thanks Barb. I felt a real honor to do such work. I hope it helps the Zoo.

BBrito said...

really great artwork! love the feline with the quick pencil strokes. It captured the restlessness of it, quiet but always aware. I tried once sketches on the zoo, but couldn't draw because of all the people peeking at me. I'm a shy penciler!

dugbuddy said...

Bruna, thanks so much. You should give sketching there another try. Most of what I did was garbage. But as the morning wore on, I warmed up. And tuned out the on looking public.