Thursday, January 10, 2008

topic for the first Drawergeeks of 2008... Rednecks. Being in the Midwest... the topic was far too vast for an actual depiction, so I chose a subculture. A past time if you will. That "Hey fella's watch this" sport of all sports... Noodling. For those who have not been exposed to such a grand display of artistry... a person, "the Noodler" goes into a river, lake, channel, into the water and sticks their hand in a hole in order to pull out a catfish. Also hopefully avoiding any alligator snapping turtles that may have decided to make their homes in an abandon catfish den by default. Ah, the fun of summer.


Unknown said...

hehehe... nicely drawn and funny as well

dugbuddy said...

Wow, thanks Bobby, I am a big fan of your work. Just love it. -doug

Anonymous said...

Hi, Doug! Hahaha, really funny! ... And the Fizzle Goblin? :)

Lacey said...

Weird, I'd never heard of Noodling. Sounds like, um, a very challenging sport!

Great cartoon, per usual! :-) You are so versatile in your drawing styles.

Breadwig said...

classic Bell. Rock on.

dugbuddy said...

Thanks Marccinha, Lacey, and Breadwig, I was out on assignment for a few days. Now I'm back wrumpled, stinky and grumpy... but fired up to get all caught up on the stuff I left hanging. It is 10 degrees here and snow.