Sunday, April 19, 2015

Old Man Left --- It's done. Whew!!

I don't know how I did it, but I buckled down and finished it tonight. Ah, That is a big load off of my mind. Now to research how to "archival safe" float mount a drawing.  I have included a couple of close ups. the Drawing is just about two feet high. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Old Man Left -WIP Weekend Six: Skin all done.

Well, after another week of steady work on it, I am finally able to see an end point. I'm happy... now on to hair rendering.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Doodle United: Teen Titans

Doodle United for April 13th. Had to take a break from the old man drawing to pop out a piece for Doodle United. I have been so lax completing anything for that group. Humble apologies.  This week Starfire/Minion mash up.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Old Man Left -WIP weekend 5. Good results showing

So after the previous sessions not showing much in the way of results... I decided to turn of the TV at night and work on this each night this week for an hour or two and then hit it heavy on Saturday and a little more on Sunday. Much more progression this week. It is coming into focus for me. I hope to get the jowls done this week and hopefully will have only the hair to complete in the next two to three weeks. Hope everybody is well out there. -db